
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"I love you, Grant"

"Tonight's the night I'm telling Grant," I tell Ernest.
"You're going to tell him tonight?" Ernest raises his eyebrows and looks at me in that flamboyant big-sister-best-friend way only he can.
"Yep. I've been wanting to tell him for a few weeks now - I'm ready."
"And how are you going to tell him?" he asks.
"Hmmm... I'll probably just blurt it out. I'm no good at romantic stuff. Roses and candy and balloons just aren't my style..."
Ernest rolls his eyes. "Don't be silly Andrew. Remember how you told Aaron?"
I think back.
"On my sofa, while we ate Thanksgiving leftovers."
"Mmmh.... such a precious moment!" Ernest sighs. "And with Trevor you -"
"I was on top of Trevor. Naked except for a condom".
I smile. That was 7 years ago.
"Practically yesterday!" Ernest sighs wistfully. "So beautiful!"
"Yes, and now please stop reminding me of ex-boyfriends. My only hope is that Grant says it back -"
"Tut tut tut!" Ernest wags his finger admonishingly. "Love is unconditional. You are telling Grant because that's how you feel. Not because you expect -"
"Yea yea I know. He'll tell me whenever he's ready. Still -"
"Well then, go get him! And remember: wear a pressed shirt. And black shoes, not sneakers."
It's my turn to roll my eyes.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Boyfriends, being in the doghouse, and desserts

If anyone ever tells you that relationships don't take work, well, either they haven't been in one, or they are lying. Relationships are incredibly complex...
I would know. I've been in several... both good and bad ones. Those of you who've been reading my blog for a while (OK, I admit it, I've been slacking of late, but the good news on this front is that Grant is a writer too, and is very encouraging of me writing, so expect more soon, especially if he gets his way with how we spend our sunday afternoons!) Anyways, friends & long-time readers of Andrew J know several of his boyfriends - there was Trevor. And Aaron (OK, I'm still not finished the Aaron's move to Austin series, but there is no surprise ending coming. We do end up breaking up). And a few others in between.
And now there's Grant. Sexy, cuddly, corn-fed Grant. Each of these men have been incredibly important in their own way, and each of these relationships was a lot of work. This last weekend was one of the best weekends I've had with Grant, but it ended with Grant getting pissed off at me. And I deserved it. I should have texted him to let him know I'd be late ("by an hour! geez!").
So now I'm in the doghouse. woof-woof. I'm hoping he'll be less mad tomorrow, and we'll make up. But just in case, I'll probably pick up some fresh cookies from his favorite bakery on the way home from work. I've always found that to make up with a boyfriend, desserts work better than sex.

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